A personal project inspired by Neil Gaiman’s book: Stardust.
In it he describes both a castle and a tree that exist above the clouds.
In his universe lightning is a renewable source of energy.

Here are some of my more presentable Island Skies concept pieces. I was mostly tasked with environments, layouts, and exteriors. Although I did get to work on a few interiors.


A cancelled game about pigs collecting truffles as a means to sustain their farm in a hostile, fantasy world. Many different ways to make this game were explored, I also used it as an opportunity to learn and utilize several different 3D softwares.


A personal project I worked on with my friend Criatura. She came up with a short story and I made some design sketches and illustrations to try to capture a shared vision of a raven god that can steal the dreams of children.

The children’s subconcious would defend themselves with an older, idealized version of themself.

An odd blend of Monsters Inc., Howl’s Moving Castle, and Vampire Hunter D.


Art is my life and it bleeds into everything I do. It has brought me great joy and great pain. I pride myself on growing each and every day through art.